Thursday’s Weigh-In

I don’t have a lot of time but I wanted to update my weight loss saga.  I always worry when it’s time to hit the scales and I think about my previous week of tracking everything I ate and how much or how little I ate. This week was no different.  Again I wasn’t expecting a big loss but I was also not expecting any gain. I was pleasantly surprised!  This weeks weigh-in showed me another great loss of 5.2 lbs bringing my total weight loss since May 13, 2010 to 25.6 lbs. I picked up another gold 5lb star and my 25lb disk last night. I was and still am so excited!

Prayers For My Daughter

My daughter is 30 weeks pregnant tomorrow. That means her new bundle of joy will join our family in about eight weeks. With the state of my house at the moment and everything that we have coming up over the next couple of weeks, that’s saying a whole lot. Eight weeks is not a long time … but it is when you’ve been surprisingly placed on ‘modified’ bed rest. (that said with sadness!)

Heather went this morning for her regular OB visit and her blood pressure was through the roof. We’ve been tracking her blood pressure since the weekend because she kept feeling light headed and nauseated. It’s been a little higher than normal but not real bad. This morning wasn’t pretty at all.  They had her lay in the exam room for a while then they took her pressure again. It was still higher than is should be but not as high as when they first checked it.  SO it looks like rest is bringing it down some. While we were there we got a quick look at Baby Bit and he’s growing perfectly. He is right on target for where he should be at this point in her pregnancy. It was fun to see him and see how much he has grown since May. Dr. C has also requested another 24 hour urine catch to check for protein in her urine and to rule out early pre-eclampsia.  NOT what we wanted to hear.

This weekend is riddled with a variety of things planned. Lil Man’s Aunt Jess will be here to spend a few weeks with us, which in hindsight is a good thing now.  We have a HUGE yard sale planned for Saturday morning. We’re going to see Beauty and The Beast preformed by our local drama group on Sunday afternoon … and so much more to do over the weekend …

Unfortunately I’m not sure how much Heather will be able to do.  Of all the things Dr. C could have offered or done … he placed her on ‘modified’ bed rest until Friday. He ordered the 24 hour urine catch to be started today.  He ordered addition lab/blood work. AND even though he will be out of town on Friday he wants her back in the office for another blood pressure check and follow-up with all the lab stuff.  She will be seeing Dr. B on Friday and if things haven’t leveled off then they will admit her to the hospital for 24 hour/round the clock monitoring of her blood pressure and another ‘in-house’ urine catch.

I ask today that you pray for her. Pray for this precious little boy she is growing inside of her. Pray specifically that her blood pressure will come down and stay down. Pray for her to have patience to stay down and stay rested like the Dr has ordered. Pray for my sanity while I step it up another notch and pick up the things that she normally takes care of during the day while I am at work.  Pray for the babies we have at home (Lil Man & Lil Bit), pray they will understand why Aunt Heather/Mommy has to stay in bed and rest.

Delivery is on the horizon but right now is to early.  We’d love for her to stay pregnant at least another 6-7 weeks.

Thank you for praying. I will update when I can.

Weekly Update

WHEW!  What a busy week.  Our Church has been in Bible School all week and it’s been wild, crazy, and hectic to say the least.  Both of the boys are so off their schedule we may not ever see normal with them again, but that is quiet alright. They both had a great time at Bible School as did Heather and myself. God is good all the time!

I was just a little concerned with my diet this week.  I lost that ‘control what you eat’ factor with having dinner prepared at the Church every night  so to say I was worried about hopping on the Weight Watcher scale yesterday afternoon would be a slight understatement.  However I put on my big girl undies and made that step, honestly expecting to have gained a couple of pounds. Definitely not expecting to lose anything so when the nice young lady doing the weigh-ins entered my weight and total loss of .6 I was pleased.  .6 may not be a lot but to me it was a success.  My total weight loss to date is 20.4 lbs since May 13, 2010.  I have about 30lbs to go to reach my first goal and I have about 9 weeks to do that in. That would put me at needing a weight loss of about 3.5 lbs per week and that is easily do-able if I stay on the program and add in some serious exercise. 50 total pounds before Baby Bit gets here would be totally awesome!

Quick update with Heather … she is doing much better with her leg issues and she has been attending Occupational Therapy for her hands. She wears braces on both hands/wrists at night and she has a lot less problems with her hands falling asleep at random.  Everything else is right on que for delivery in mid to late August.  We go back to MAHEC in Asheville on July 14th. It will be an ALL DAY affair starting at 8am to do her transfer of care and culminating with a 1:00pm target sonogram where we hope to get a look at Baby Bit in 4D.  I’ll be sure to post pictures if we’re lucky enough to get some good ones.

Busy weekend ahead getting ready for our Yard Sale next weekend. I believe it’s suppose to be another HOT weekend so I’m sure there will be some water play in there somewhere. Church on Sunday and lots of cooking on the grill.  I think we’ve fallen into a routine of work, clean, grill, Church, sleep.  Seems to be all we do anymore.

Have a great weekend!

Weight In and What Else Is Going On

Weight Watchers is going G.R.E.A.T. My first week I lost 10.6 lbs. My second week I lost 4 lbs. My third week I lost 1 lb and walked away discouraged but not ready to give up. At yesterdays weight-in I had lost 4.2 lbs bringing my total weight loss since May 13, 2010 to 19.8 lbs. To say I am excited is an understatement!  I will continue to update and try to get a new picture over the weekend. My goal is to take a new picture on the 13th of every month throughout this journey and in the end I will be able to scrapbook my weight loss journey. Something I will be very proud of and something I look forward to sharing with all of you.

On to other things …

As some of you know my daughter is pregnant with her second little boy. She is due toward the end of August. We’ll start looking at delivery dates on her next visit to Asheville in July. She will be a scheduled C-Section.  She is having some ‘issues’ right now that have me ubber concerned for both her health and for the health/safety of Lil Guy. She’s had swelling in her feet and ankles since early pregnancy but all of her labs and blood pressure has been great. This week the swelling became very painful and her feet started turning red and felt hot to the touch.  She has had a Doppler sonogram to rule out blood clots and also some lab work done to rule out infection. So far there hasn’t been anything determined. She is going back to the doctor today which is good because what started in the left foot and only gotten worse as the week progressed has now moved to the right foot and up to her knees on both legs.  Her feet and legs look like someone has thrown hot water on them or like she has spent way to much time in the sun. They are swollen, red, and very painful.  I’m anxious to see what her doctor says today and how he plans to proceed with diagnosis and treatment.  His initial thought after ruling out blood clots was that she had come down with a good case of Gout but I expect that to be ruled out today.   While you are praying today say a prayer for her and for Lil Guy.   I’ll keep you posted!